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Divorce Is Easier With a Good Attorney

Divorce is hard. There's no way to make this emotionally challenging time a walk in the park, but there is one way to make it simpler: hire a good attorney. A divorce attorney can act as your go-between during the proceedings, which minimizes the contact you need to have with your ex-spouse. Overall, this can lead to fewer arguments and a settlement that is more fair for all parties involved. If you're on the brink of divorce, we think reading a little more about divorce attorneys on this blog will be helpful. That way, you are prepared for what is to come.



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Divorce Is Easier With a Good Attorney

Prepare For An Online Mediation Session

by Gina George

The current pandemic may have put your divorce proceedings on hold, especially if you were seeking aid through a representative who has postponed physical meetings for the time being. Did you know that there are many practices that offer online sessions that are as equally effective as in-person meetings? If you and your spouse would like to use a mediator to aid with coming to an agreement about assets, visitation, and custody, you may appreciate knowing that you can use this service from the comfort of your home.

Find Out About Each Proposed Session

Even if a mediator is currently not allowing individuals to visit their office, they are likely still providing services and will have a phone number or an email address that they can be reached at. You can either receive the name and contact information of a mediator through the assistance of your family lawyer or reach out to a mediator you have researched on your own. Ask the individual about the manner in which they conduct online mediations and how much you will be charged for the service.

You will be supplied with the amount of time that a typical session will last, whether or not you will need to speak directly to your spouse, and how follow-up sessions are conducted. Some mediators may prefer to speak to each party privately before conducting a group session, which will involve using multiple webcams so that you, your spouse, and the mediator can see and hear one another. 

Get Ready For The Initial Session

Just because you do not need to drive through town to arrive at a mediator's office does not mean that you should forego your appearance or the cleanliness of the area where you will be recorded. If you would wear formal attire to an in-person meeting, use this same type of mindset when preparing for an online mediation session. Pick out a formal outfit in advance and have it dry cleaned and pressed.

Choose a room in your home that provides you with comfort and that lacks a lot of embellishments, which could be distracting while you are speaking to the mediator. Write down a list of concerns that you would like to bring up during the meeting. When it is time for the meeting to begin, compose yourself and allow the mediator to speak. Wait for the mediator to ask you a question and politely respond to it.
