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Divorce Is Easier With a Good Attorney

Divorce is hard. There's no way to make this emotionally challenging time a walk in the park, but there is one way to make it simpler: hire a good attorney. A divorce attorney can act as your go-between during the proceedings, which minimizes the contact you need to have with your ex-spouse. Overall, this can lead to fewer arguments and a settlement that is more fair for all parties involved. If you're on the brink of divorce, we think reading a little more about divorce attorneys on this blog will be helpful. That way, you are prepared for what is to come.



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Divorce Is Easier With a Good Attorney


How a Divorce Lawyer Can Help You with Whatever You Need

Going through a divorce can be one of the most challenging and emotionally draining experiences anyone can face. From legal complexities to navigating custody arrangements, the process can be overwhelming. This is where a divorce lawyer comes in. A divorce lawyer is there to represent you legally and provide guidance, support, and expert advice throughout the process. Legal Expertise One of the primary roles of a divorce lawyer is to provide you with legal expertise and representation throughout the divorce proceedings.

How a Family Attorney Can Help You Make Custody Arrangements

Divorce and custody battles are often one of the most stressful and emotional experiences a family can go through. It becomes even more challenging when children are involved. As a parent, you want what is best for your kids, and that includes protecting them during the legal process of custody arrangements. A family attorney can help you navigate the complex legal system, understand your rights, and ensure you make informed decisions regarding custody arrangements.

Why Online Divorce Mediation Is A Good Option

Divorce can be a difficult and emotionally draining process. Couples who are going through a divorce often experience stress and anxiety, which can make it hard to reach a resolution that is best for both parties. Fortunately, there is a growing trend towards online divorce mediation. This process may seem like an unlikely alternative to traditional in-person divorce mediation, but it is a great option for many couples. This blog post will provide a closer look at why online divorce mediation is a good option for divorcing couples.

Understanding the Process of Making an Appointment with a Child Custody Attorney

Child custody cases are emotionally charged as they involve questions about the safety, well-being, and upbringing of a child. Therefore, selecting a child custody attorney who understands the sensitivity of such cases is essential. The first step in any custody case is making an appointment with an attorney. But, for many parents who have never dealt with attorneys before, the process can be intimidating and confusing. This blog will walk you through what to expect when you make an appointment with a child custody attorney.

Is Your Spouse Challenging Your Prenuptial Agreement? What To Know

Divorce is a challenging and emotional process, often accompanied by disagreements and disputes over various issues, including financial matters. In some cases, a spouse may attempt to go back on a prenuptial agreement, claiming it is unfair or invalid. If you find yourself in this situation, it's important to understand your rights and options. Here are some key points to consider if your spouse tries to challenge a prenuptial agreement during divorce:

How To Deal With Parental Alienation

Parental alienation is a serious issue that can have devastating effects on children and families. It occurs when one parent tries to undermine the relationship between a child and the other parent, often by making false accusations, restricting access to the child, or denigrating the other parent in front of the child. If you're dealing with parental alienation, here are some steps you can take to protect your relationship with your child and address the problem:

Deciding To Get Divorced After A Rocky Marriage

Although couples usually expect to stay together until death after getting married, the situation does not always turn out as desired. Sometimes the problems in a marriage are due to struggles with commitment, finances, or simply a change of feelings for a spouse. Fighting for marriage is only worth it when both parties are willing to do so and there is not any abuse going on in the relationship. If you have found that you are always depressed and your partner belittles you on a regular basis, it is a sign of emotional abuse.

What To Know About Mediation When Getting A Divorce

Are you planning on getting a divorce from your spouse? If so, you'll definitely want to look into going through mediation. Here are some things that you need to know about this part of the divorce process. Mediation Can Be Used To Settle Some Key Issues Know that mediation is not an all-or-nothing ordeal. You can use mediation to settle as many issues as possible in your divorce as long as you and your spouse agree on them.

What Does A Mediator Do When You're Going Through Divorce Mediation?

If you and your spouse are considering divorce, you may have heard of the option of divorce mediation. Going through divorce mediation allows you to skip the family court system and all the stress associated with standing before a judge, and it also allows you and your spouse to settle your divorce in a way that's most acceptable to both of you. During the process, you'll both sit down in a safe environment with a trained mediator to discuss how to divide your finances and come up with a custody-sharing arrangement.

Factors Determining The Necessity Of Private School Child Support

Child support covers multiple expenses necessary for a child's wellbeing. Unfortunately, parents do not always agree on the necessity of private school. The disagreements usually center on whether child support should cover private school expenses. Below are some factors courts consider for such cases. Affordability The court will consider the noncustodial parent's income and financial obligations to determine whether the parent can pay for private school. The court will consider things like:

When Child Visitation and Custody Become Dangerous

No one ever said that divorcing while parenting minor-aged children is easy. Although the idea is to allow the child to spend time with each parent in generous measures, some parents may end up being denied visitation for various reasons. If visitation is offered, it could be severely curtailed. Read on and find out why supervised visitation may be ordered and how things will go. Issues with Visitation and Custody

Must Divorce Cases Go To Court? 3 Options To Follow For A Less Stressful Divorce Process

Getting a divorce is one of the most stressful experiences you can go through in a lifetime. In addition to altering your routines, divorce comes with many concerns. For instance, you have to think about the lengthy court process, child custody issues, property division, and numerous unplanned expenses.  As a result, it is easy to enter into a state of anxiety and stress when going through a divorce. This situation can, in turn, blur your ability to make sound decisions.

What To Do Prior To Asking For A Divorce

If you're considering asking for a divorce from your spouse, you'll eventually need to take that big step. Some people talk to their spouse directly about it, while others go straight to filing the necessary legal paperwork with their local family court. No matter which way you decide to do it, know the following things that you should do prior to asking for a divorce.  Make Sure You're Ready It's crucial that you are prepared to move forward with the divorce process.

5 Things That Could Inalidate Your Prenuptial Agreement

For many couples, a prenuptial agreement is set before marriage even takes place. People set up prenuptial agreements to protect their businesses, financial assets, and property. There are plenty of good reasons to set up a prenuptial agreement, but what should you do if you suspect the agreement is now invalid? These are some of the factors that could completely invalidate your prenuptial agreement. The Agreement Was Fraudulent Fraud can occur in several occasions.

5 Things To Know About Avoiding An Expensive Divorce

Are you and your spouse planning on getting a divorce, and want to avoid spending a lot of money in order to do so? It will help to know the following tips to make it as affordable as possible.  Plan On A Collaborative Divorce The best way that you and your spouse can save money on a divorce is to plan for a collaborative divorce. This means that you are going to try to settle as much as you can during the mediation process, with the intent to not bring the divorce into the courtroom.

Forgot One Of These Things In Your Prenup? Divorce Lawyers Can Help

Sure, most people do not want to think about divorce before they ever get married. In reality, it is important to understand the repercussions of marriage and divorce. This might involve signing a prenup. Unfortunately, there are some things many people forget to include in a prenup. These are some of the common things you may have forgotten and how a divorce attorney can help you resolve the matter. Pets

Divorce, Custody, And Child Abandonment Issues To Consider

Just the word child abandonment can cause an emotional response. Most people would never consider leaving a child alone and in danger. That way of looking at child abandonment is a criminal issue and is not the same thing as abandonment when it comes to family law matters. Everyone wishes that the impact of divorce on a child could be reduced or eliminated but heartfelt issues connected to children can make that challenging.

Taking on the Divorce Legal Fee Issue

Ideally, the decision to divorce a spouse should not come down to being able to afford the legal fees. If you are putting off a divorce because you cannot imagine how you will pay for it, read the below information and get ready to provide yourself with a fresh perspective on the issue of paying for divorce. Keep Things Simple If you and your spouse have little to disagree about, your divorce could be cheaper.

Disinheritance 101: What You Should Know

Estate planning is a complex process, and it is something that you should only do with the support and assistance of an estate planning attorney. However, even with the help of an attorney, there are some situations that you'll need to handle delicately. For example, what should you do if you are considering disinheriting one of your children? Most parents automatically leave their estate to their children, typically split equally. If, however, you're thinking about disinheriting a child, here's a look at what you should know.

Who Gets the Assets? Understanding Marital Property During a Divorce

When the marriage is over, almost everything the couple owns is considered marital property. Along with child custody, alimony, and marital debt, marital assets are a major issue with divorce. To find out who gets what in a divorce, read on. Understanding Marital Assets When it comes to divorce, everything the couple owns is divided into either marital assets or separate property. Here are some very common forms of assets, both marital and separate:

What Should You Do To Win A Custody Battle?

Are you going to go through a custody battle due to getting a divorce and want to do everything that it takes to win? If so, it will help to do the following things so that the odds are in your favor. Be Involved Whenever Possible If you want to win custody, then you have to be involved with your child's life. This means taking steps to be involved in ways that you may not have thought of before.

The Divorce Mediation Process Explained

Going through a divorce can be quite stressful, but it doesn't have to end up in court. Many divorces are actually settled in mediation, which is when both spouses sit down to work out an agreement together. While the mediation process typically happens in person, it is common to do it online these days during the current pandemic, and the process is similar no matter which way you do it. Here is what you need to know about the divorce mediation process.

Prenuptial And Postnuptial Agreements Do Not Always Hold Up In Divorce

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are thought to be ironclad. Yes, these are legal documents, and oftentimes, the terms of these agreements serve as precedence in a divorce, but there are instances when the terms are modified or dismissed entirely. Learn about a few possible defenses that can be applied with a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement. False Representation Each party must disclose all their assets within the agreement. Even if your partner is requesting that you sign a document that states you are not entitled to any share of their assets, they still have to list them all for you to view.

Kinship Adoption — 5 Reasons You Still Need A Lawyer

Are you considering adopting a relative's child or other family member? While this type of adoption can mitigate stress in the entire family and offer a better environment for the child, it can also be complex. Many families in this situation are not required to be represented in family court by a lawyer, but this doesn't mean they shouldn't hire one anyway. Why? Here are five key points of assistance provided by a family law attorney.

Prepare For An Online Mediation Session

The current pandemic may have put your divorce proceedings on hold, especially if you were seeking aid through a representative who has postponed physical meetings for the time being. Did you know that there are many practices that offer online sessions that are as equally effective as in-person meetings? If you and your spouse would like to use a mediator to aid with coming to an agreement about assets, visitation, and custody, you may appreciate knowing that you can use this service from the comfort of your home.

Your Living Situation And The End Of Alimony

Alimony, or spousal support, is still ordered in some instances. It's often appropriate when one party is bound to suffer from an economic deficit due to divorce or separation. Alimony can be temporary, rehabilitative, or permanent. Nothing is really permanent, however, when it comes to alimony. Read on to find out what could cause alimony to end. Remarriage and Alimony In almost all cases of alimony, the remarriage of the receiving party will cause it to end.

Suing for Child Custody: What Your Attorney Needs From You

If you don't have custody of your child already and want to have more visitation and rights to your child or you have current child custody and are being sued by the other parent, getting a child custody attorney is an important step. To best assist you in your case, your child custody attorney will want the following things. Speak to your child custody law specialist to find out if additional things are needed to help improve your case.

Right Of First Refusal In A Parenting Plan

Getting divorced when you have children can be scary and devastating for parents and children. It is a major lifestyle change. You will likely go from seeing your children on a daily basis to having to divide time. Having a good divorce attorney and coming up with a detailed custody plan is vital.  Right of First Refusal There are many aspects of a child custody plan and many things to consider.

Getting Divorced? What You Want To Know About Your House

One of the biggest questions people have when going through a divorce is what is going to happen to their house. It is one of the most expensive assets that you likely own with your spouse and is not exactly something that can be split up. Here are some questions you are likely to have about the house prior to finalizing the divorce. Should You Move Out Of The House Before The Divorce?

Create A Positive Parenting Plan For Your Young Child

Creating a plan to share parenting time with your child is never easy. This process becomes even more difficult when very young children are involved. Older children normally handle custody issues better than younger ones because they can understand what is happening. Infants and toddlers, however, don't know what is going on. If you and your co-parent no longer live together and must create a parenting plan for a young child, knowing how to make this plan easy to follow and beneficial for everyone involved is crucial.

2 Major Signs You Need a Social Security Attorney?

Social security is a government program you pay into throughout your working life that you can draw on as a beneficiary when you retire, become widowed, get disability benefits, or have other reasons to be on the program. While it may seem easy to simply collect on the funds technically owed to you, when it comes time to get your money, it can be difficult to do so. This is where hiring a social security attorney can come in helpful to you.

Creating A Will: Why You Need A Lawyer To Assist You

Creating a will is something you can do on your own, but it's also something you should have done by your family lawyer. A will can be created at any time, and you can have peace of mind knowing that your final wishes will be honored in the best way possible when you create one. Wills and trusts are things that are essential, but so many adults don't have one yet: only around 40% of American adults actually have a will.

Don't Let Your Divorce Ruin Your Financial Future

Divorce may not seem like a financial matter at first. Once the emotional effect of splitting up diminishes, however, it may become clear that things are about to change. To make sure those changes don't bring financial ruin, read on for some things to keep in mind during your divorce. 1. Know what is and is not marital property. Marital property is not just the odds and ends that make up a life together, it's about assets that can be put to use making money for you.

Facing Divorce? Don't Fall For These 4 Common Myths!

While the number of divorces in the United States has dropped a solid 8% since 1990, divorces and legal separations are still a very real part of many people's lives. Whether you're considering divorce or have already begun the process, you may be feeling understandably stressed--and maybe even a little confused about all the conflicting information out there. By being aware of some of the most common myths about going through divorce, you can empower yourself with the information you need to get through this rough patch and move forward with your head held high.

Avoid These Divorce Mistakes

No one gets married hoping to get divorced someday, but sometimes marriage just doesn't work out. When you're not right for each other as a couple, it may make a lot more sense to live your own lives separately so that you can both be happy. If you're unhappy with your spouse and are thinking of getting divorced, it's important that you handle the process well. Here are some divorce mistakes that you'll want to avoid making: 

Amicable Divorce? Why You Still Need A Lawyer

Even an amicable divorce has hiccups and requires legal counsel sometimes. If you have a divorce looming and you and the other party are in agreement with mostly everything, you should still consider hiring a lawyer. Here are reasons why you should give a divorce lawyer a call so you can schedule a consultation. You might run into child custody issues Child custody arrangements, when put into the hands of a judge, are decided depending on the best interests of the children.

Empower Yourself For The Divorce Mediation Process

When you decided to marry your spouse, you thought long and hard about how to prepare for the marriage and what important factors you would bring to the relationship. Although your marriage might not be headed in the direction you thought, it's important to approach the divorce mediation in the same manner you did your marriage — prepared. Learn about some of the measures you can take to empower yourself for this process.

Getting Divorced? Know What To Do About Your Home

The process of dividing your assets when you are getting a divorce can be challenging. While it will be easy to deal with the small personal property items, you'll eventually get to a point where you need to decide what to do with your home during the settlement process. With a home being the most expensive asset that you own, making a joint decision about your home can be quite challenging.

What Can Make Your Divorce Expensive

Many people are aware that the process of getting a divorce is not free. However, those costs do not have to be astronomical. The cost of a divorce will vary depending on how cooperative you and your spouse are throughout the entire process. Here are some reasons why a divorce can cost more than you anticipated.  Not Talking Things Out Beforehand You would be surprised at how many details of a divorce can be worked out before you even start the legal process of getting a divorce.

How Your Wages Are Protected During Bankruptcy

Those planning to file chapter 7 bankruptcy are likely interested in the potential for losing property. Theoretically, property and cash can be seized, sold, and used to pay off creditors. Very few filers end up losing property because the bankruptcy codes have measures in place to protect certain property. Many filers don't consider their income from jobs and other sources when it comes to bankruptcy – but they should. Read below and find out how the bankruptcy codes treat income from various sources when filing chapter 7.

Negligent Infliction Of Emotional Distress

The law recognizes that injuries are not always physical — mental or emotional injuries do exist. If someone's negligence causes you emotional injury, then that person should compensate you for your damages just as they would need to do if your injuries were physical. Personal injury claims based on this premise fall under negligent infliction of emotional distress (NIED). The Applicable Rules Just like other forms of negligence claims, you need to prove a few specific things to succeed with your NIED claim.

Changing a Custody Agreement: Why a Child Custody Lawyer Is Important

There are a number of reasons to modify a child custody agreement. If the other parent is not willing to change the current order, you will need to go to court in order to file a modification. If you have found a great job that requires you to move or your ex is not currently able to parent the children, a change in the child custody order might be necessary. Your first step when you want to change a custody agreement is to try and work it out with the other party.

Can I Stop My Divorce?

Due to no-fault divorce laws, there is no way to stop a divorce once it has begun. Your spouse does not have to get permission and does not have to prove grounds for a divorce. You do not have any legal means to stop a divorce. There are ways to slow it down, but the divorce will eventually be finalized unless your spouse decides to reconcile.  Reconciling When your partner is filing for divorce, they often feel that there is no other way to solve the problems found in the marriage.